The best airline dinner I ever had was 1/2 a chocolate fudge, candy cane pie. My friend Anne and I were visiting Minneapolis, and she bought it for the flight back home.
It was a refreshing act of boldness, eating that pie.
Indeed, it was the exhilerating, defying-of-expectation statement of two single mothers who'd met when our kids were in preschool. No more lukewarm chicken breasts in brown sauce with a smattering of green peas rolling about in a plastic tray for us. The kids were grown. It was time for a new slice of life.
Some dreams are pie in the sky -- someday, maybe, kind of things. Others are the kind you actually bite into and taste. This was that second kind -- forbidden, chewy, gooey, delicious, scrumptious -- a turning point.
In time, Anne moved from New York to Colorado and began anew. While, I met and married the comforting-as-chocolate-fudge, exhilerating as a peppermint patty, life partner I'd always wanted.
Packing for Taiwan, I think about that pie. That memory, still so vivid, is what propels me to skip the usual pumpkin this year, for a more exciting adventure.
That WAS one great pie! I would send you one, but I don't think it would travel as well as ours did. You'll just have to come to Denver (in December, since that's the only time they make that pie), and we can reminisce about our 27-year friendship. By the way, I'm going to Santa Fe for a ten-week course in hypnotherapy.